Category Archives: Mangled English
Rank grammar
You’d be a fuel to not chance it…
Just park in the no weighting zone
This fancy dress just kills me!
Have you heard the latest about teacakes?
Ooh er missus
I was a part time mature lady in my last job, Monday to Wednesday.
My cousin Frank is training to be one at the moment but he eventually wants to go full time.
To , or not to , that is the question…
Missing a what…? Er… no. We had a wasp in the stockroom last Tuesday but Jean shooed it out with an old copy of Bella. Have you tried the garden centre…?
Are you experience…?
This was taken in Scotland and it seems they have such a Vitamin D deficiency it has affected the alphabet as well.
Don’t do anything!
I can’t help thinking that drugs and alcohol played a major part in the creation of this sign, but I think the main message we all take away from this is ‘Don’t proof read!’